What is Adventurers?
Adventurers is an activity-based program designed for 4-9 year olds, and adopted by local Seventh-day Adventist Churches worldwide. The program provides an opportunity for children to develop a healthy sense of self in a fun, safe and caring environment. Adventurers learn new skills and hobbies, get outdoors by going camping and studying nature, and serve community needs, all while learning important Christian values.
What happens at Adventurers?
Adventurers operates on an international curriculum and is run and facilitated by local church volunteers. Adventurer Club Members are typically split into six age groups:
Little Lamb - 4 years old
Early Birds - 5 years old
Busy Bee - 6 years old
Sunbeam - 7 years old
Builder - 8 years old
Helping Hands - 9 years old
Those 10 years or older can move onto the Pathfinder program.
Adventurers worship together, complete classwork, earn Awards, spend time outdoors camping, and participate in Conference events.
Who organisers Adventurers?
All clubs are run by local church members who are trained to provide a safe and fun environment for children to grow and
learn. Every volunteer is required to have a Working with Children's Check and complete Adsafe training.
At a Conference level, Adventurers is organised by the Youth Department Director, Adventurer District Directors and the Adventurer Advisory.
Who can join?
Adventurers is open to anyone aged between 4-9 years old.